[제약조건]: Constraint
1.데이터의 무결성을 위해서 사용(Data Integrity)
2.제약조건은 테이블정의시 필드에 설정
1) not null : 필수입력
2) unique : 고유해야된다.(도메인내에 동일한 값을 저장할 수 없다)
3) check : 유효성(범위,값...) <=테이블내에서 검색조건을 부여
4) foreign key : 다른테이블에서 검색조건 검사
5) primary key : not null + unique + index 결합형태
6) default : 기본값이 입력
--1] not null 연습
--drop table tb1; --테이블 삭제
create table TB1
no int not null ,
name varchar2(20) not null
insert into tb1 values(1,'일길동');
--insert into tb1(no) values(2);
--insert into tb1(name) values('이길동');
select * from tb1;
--2] unique 연습
create table tb2
no int not null unique,
name varchar2(20) not null
insert into tb2 values(1,'일길동');
--insert into tb2 values(1,'이길동'); -- X
insert into tb2 values(2,'일길동');
select * from tb2;
--테이블 구조확인
desc tb2;
desc user_constraints;
--제약조건 확인
select constraint_type,constraint_name from user_constraints
where table_name='TB2';
select * from user_constraints where table_name='TB2';
-- primary key : 테이블당 1개만 존재(기본키)
create table tb3
no int primary key, -- (not null + unique + index)
name varchar2(20) not null,
kor number(3) check( kor>=0 and kor<=100),
eng number(3),
mat number(3)
--필드 수정 eng>=0 and eng<=100동일
alter table tb3 modify eng number(3);
--제약조건 추가
alter table tb3
add constraint ck_eng check(eng between 0 and 100);
alter table tb3
add constraint ck_mat check(mat between 0 and 100);
insert into tb3 values(1,'일길동',55,77,88);
--insert into tb3 values(2,'이길동',200,55,77); --check제약 위반
insert into tb3 values(2,'이길동',88,30,500);
delete from tb3 where no=2;
select * from tb3;
create table tb4
no int primary key,
name varchar2(20) not null,
sex varchar2(20) check(sex='남자' or sex='여자'),
job varchar2(30)
--제약추가 -- job='부장' or job='차장' or job='과장' .....
alter table tb4
add constraint ck_job check( job in('부장','차장','과장','대리','주임','사원') );
insert into tb4 values(1,'일길동','남자','대리');
--insert into tb4 values(2,'이길동','남','대리');
--insert into tb4 values(2,'이길동','여자','대 리');
--insert into tb4 values(2,'이길동','여자','대리 ');
delete from tb4 where no=2;
select * from tb4;
--4 [default] :기본값
create table tb5
no int primary key,
name varchar2(20) not null,
sex varchar2(10) default '남자' --입력되지 않으면 기본값
insert into tb5 values(1,'일길동','여자');
insert into tb5(no,name) values(2,'이길동');--입력하지 말던지
insert into tb5 values(3,'삼길동',default); --default
insert into tb5 values(4,'사길동','남자',20);
alter table tb5 add age int default 0;
select * from tb5;
--5 [foregin key]
create table dept
dno int primary key,
dname varchar2(30),
loc varchar2(30)
insert into dept values(10,'인사부','205');
insert into dept values(20,'영업부','305');
insert into dept values(30,'경리부','505');
select * from dept;
create table job
job_no int primary key, --직위번호
job_name varchar2(20), --직위명
job_pay int --급여
insert into job values(100,'부장',3000000);
insert into job values(101,'차장',2500000);
insert into job values(102,'과장',2000000);
insert into job values(103,'대리',1800000);
insert into job values(104,'주임',1500000);
insert into job values(105,'사원',1000000);
select * from job;
create table emp
emp_no int primary key, --사번
emp_name varchar2(30),
dno int references dept(dno)
insert into emp values(1,'일길동',10);
insert into emp values(2,'이길동',40);
alter table emp add job_no int;
--외래키 설정
alter table emp
add constraint fk_job_no foreign key(job_no) references job(job_no);
--desc emp;
update emp set job_no=105 where emp_no=1;
insert into emp values(3,'삼길동',20,103);
--insert into emp values(4,'사길동',20,303);
select * from emp;